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Asphalt Felt For Use In Building

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Asphalt Felt For Use In Building

Asphalt felt, also known as roofing felt or tar paper, is a type of building material commonly used in construction projects as a moisture barrier. It is made from a combination of asphalt and a fibrous material, such as paper or fiberglass, which is then coated with a layer of asphalt on both sides. This creates a durable, water-resistant material that is ideal for use in roofing, flooring, and other construction applications. One of the primary uses of asphalt felt is as an underlayment for roofing shingles. It is typically installed directly over the roof deck and provides a layer of protection against moisture and other weather-related damage. The material is also used as a temporary roof covering during construction projects, providing a waterproof barrier until the permanent roofing materials can be installed. In addition to its use in roofing applications, asphalt felt is also commonly used as an underlayment for hardwood flooring. It helps to prevent moisture from seeping into the wood, which can cause warping and other damage over time. The material is also used as a moisture barrier in walls and other areas of the home where moisture may be a concern. Overall, asphalt felt is a versatile and durable building material that provides an essential layer of protection against moisture and other environmental factors. Its low cost and ease of installation make it a popular choice for builders and homeowners alike.

roofing, moisture barrier, underlayment, construction, durability

Anthony Moore

CITATION : "Anthony Moore. 'Asphalt Felt For Use In Building.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on May 20, 2024)"

Asphalt Felt For Use In Building Definition
Asphalt Felt For Use In Building on Design+Encyclopedia

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