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Airplanes, also known as aeroplanes or simply planes, are a type of aircraft that are designed to be able to fly through the air using the principles of aerodynamics. They are typically powered by one or more jet engines, although some smaller planes may use propellers or other types of engines. Airplanes are used for a variety of purposes, including commercial air travel, military operations, cargo transportation, and scientific research. The history of airplanes dates back to the late 19th century, when inventors such as Otto Lilienthal and Samuel Langley began experimenting with gliders and other flying machines. The Wright brothers, Orville and Wilbur, are credited with inventing the first successful airplane in 1903, which they flew for just 12 seconds but proved that powered flight was possible. Since then, airplanes have become an integral part of modern society, with millions of people traveling by air every day. Airplanes come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, depending on their intended use. Commercial passenger planes are typically large and designed to carry hundreds of passengers over long distances, while military planes may be smaller and more maneuverable for tactical operations. Cargo planes are designed to carry large amounts of freight, while scientific research planes may be equipped with specialized equipment for studying the atmosphere or other aspects of the environment. Despite their many benefits, airplanes also have some drawbacks. They are a major source of greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to climate change, and can also be noisy and disruptive to local communities. However, advances in technology are helping to make airplanes more fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly, and many countries are investing in alternative forms of transportation such as high-speed trains and electric cars.

aircraft, jet engines, commercial air travel, military operations, greenhouse gas emissions

Joseph Edwards

CITATION : "Joseph Edwards. 'Airplanes.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on May 20, 2024)"

Airplanes Definition
Airplanes on Design+Encyclopedia

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