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Afghan Urban Design

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Afghan Urban Design

Afghan Urban Design refers to the planning and design of urban areas in Afghanistan. It is a complex and multifaceted field that has been shaped by the country's unique history, geography, and culture. Afghan Urban Design is characterized by a blend of traditional Islamic, Persian, and Indian architectural styles, which have been influenced by the various empires and cultural movements that have occupied the region over the centuries. One of the key aspects of Afghan Urban Design is the use of courtyards and gardens, which are central to traditional Afghan architecture. These spaces are designed to provide privacy, shade, and a sense of tranquility, and are often used for social gatherings and other communal activities. Another important feature of Afghan Urban Design is the use of decorative elements such as intricate tilework and calligraphy, which are used to adorn buildings and public spaces. In recent years, Afghan Urban Design has been influenced by the influx of international investment and aid, leading to the development of a new, modernized style of architecture. This has resulted in the construction of high-rise buildings and other modern structures, which are often designed to be energy-efficient and environmentally sustainable. Despite these changes, Afghan Urban Design continues to be influenced by traditional architectural styles and cultural practices. Architects and urban planners in Afghanistan are working to balance the need for modernization with the preservation of the country's rich cultural heritage.

Afghanistan, Urban Design, Islamic Architecture, Persian Architecture, Indian Architecture

Matthew Robinson

CITATION : "Matthew Robinson. 'Afghan Urban Design.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on May 20, 2024)"

Afghan Urban Design

Urban design in Afghanistan has a long and complex history that is heavily influenced by its geographic location and cultural heritage. As a crossroads between Central Asia and South Asia, Afghanistan has been the site of numerous empires and cultural movements, from the Persian and Mughal empires to the Soviet Union's occupation of the region in the 20th century. This rich and diverse history has had a profound impact on Afghan urban design, which is characterized by a unique blend of traditional Islamic, Persian, and Indian architectural styles. In modern times, Afghan urban design has been further shaped by the influx of international investment and aid, leading to the development of a new, modernized style of architecture. Important creative people in Afghan urban design include renowned architect and urban planner, Zuhair Fayez, and the late architect, Asef Najafi, who both have made major contributions to the development of modern Afghan cities. Additionally, the work of contemporary architects such as Mohammad Yusuf and Mohammad Yazdani has been crucial to the advancement of Afghan urban design.

Traditional, Islamic, Persian, Indian, Modern, International.

Valentina Moretti

Afghan Urban Design Definition
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